OECD: Why do gender gaps in education and work persist?


Why do gender gaps in education and work persist?

Despite significant progress in narrowing or closing some long-standing gender gaps in many areas of education and employment, in most countries, boys and girls are still not likely to be equally proficient in academic subjects, such as reading, mathematics and science. Moreover, boys and girls still show markedly different attitudes towards learning and aspirations for their future – and that has a significant impact on their decisions to pursue further education and on their choice of career.

This webinar presents OECD data highlighting how differences in attitudes towards failure and competition among boys and girls can influence their decisions about what to study in school and their career expectations. The data also illustrate how these attitudes, developed early in life, influence men’s and women’s career choices later on.

.Join Andreas Schleicher, the Director for the OECD Directorate of Education and Skills, as he analyses the findings.

Register for the webinar on Monday March 9th at 14h CET.

If you have any questions before or during the webinar please send them here and via twitter.